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What's holding you back?

Here are a few of the biggest challenges I see hold my clients back: 

Studerar hemma

Perfectionism and Procrastination

- Impostor syndrom

- Never feeling "good enough"


- Social anxiety/ Avoidance

- Inability to manage thougths and feelings

Exhaustion and Burnout

​- Working harder instead of smarter

- Lack of boundaries

Self doubt and Comparison

- Low self- esteem

- Thinking everyone is doing it better than you

Limiting beliefs

- Uncoscious patterns that prevent you from living the life you want

- Fear of change

Feeling Unfulfilled

- Feeling stuck or in a plateau

- Lack of purpose and happiness despite "having it all"

Can you relate to any of these? It's tough to look at, I know. 
there are ways to move through what's keeping you
stuck and unfulfilled. 

Identify your past traumas, heal your inner child, let go of pain and move forward in your life


Get crystal clear on your vision - with an action plan that feels doable AND exciting


Face your biggest obstacles and overcome them - so they NEVER hold you back again


Embrace self- care as a necessity (not a luxury), fill up your own cup so that you can lead and give to others from a place of overflow


Experience personal and professional growth


Thrive in your relationships


Expand your leadership






Are you ready to face your limitations, pain and step into your power and potential?

I'll be working with you, supporting you every step of the way to heal, grow, and create lasting changes.

The purpose of psychotherapy is to  set people free” 
- Rollo May

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